Tuesday, August 14, 2012


View from Kelly's Knob
We Spend 3 days in Kununurra, the first day we found a park & set up, we found a lady in the park who was a hairdresser we all got our ears lowered. Second day we caught up on the washing & grocery shopping to restock our supplies for our trip down the Canning. We rang our parents & girls and updated the blog. We went out to dinner at Kelly’s Bar & Grill which was very nice.

Shell & Phill enjoying Sunset

Our third day we ate out for lunch then went to the Hoochery, where we sampled some of their rum drinks & cheesecake which were very nice so we just had to buy some for us to enjoy on the rest of our trip. We went to Kelly’s Knob to watch sunset a well.

Which one do we choose to taste at the Hoochery

Enjoying a sample at the Hoockery

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