Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Rains Came

The Rains Came
Monday of this week we got 5ml at all the farms except Mark & Liv's. The guys finished seeding the Canola down at Mungi yesterday morning then moved the gear to Wayne & Chris's. On the way it started raining so the guys spend the afternoon doing maintenance on the seeders & tractors. The rain kept up most of the night, all the farms got some, at Wayne & Chris's we got 25 ml. We didn't do any seeding today but we will get back into it tomorrow.

Seeding at Mungi

                                       A DAY FISHING

Tuesday the day before Anzac Day, Wayne & Dale spend the day fishing on a boat that Landmark had hired for the day. They were out on the water for 9 hours, Dale got a little green, but still enjoyed the day, between all the guys that went, they got 35 fish, the main one was Red Snapper, Wayne caught a Octopus.

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