Saturday, June 30, 2012

Phill & Shell arrive

Phill & Shell's Cruiser & Caravan
Our friends Phill & Shell Todd have arrived from Rockhampton, there coming on the trip up north of WA with us.
Its been very cold, windy and were still getting the odd shower of rain, Dale's slowly getting the fertilizier spread on the Canola. I'm packing between the bus run, we hope to leave next week.
Spreading in a Canola paddock

Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday 22th June 2012

The Rains are coming
Mark & Dale finished the re seeding then Dale went back to his super spreading until we had more rain. Over the last 2 days we had 15 ml which was very welcome on the crops but not on the roads as I was driving the School Bus, and in some places it got very slippery & muddy.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday 17th June 2012

Dale was told he would fill in the next couple of weeks, until we go away, by getting fertilizer from Esperance then spreading it to top dress the Canola, but the bosses found about 700 hectares of Barley that has to be re seeded. So the spreading has been put on hold, as Marco is away for 3 weeks and we have said goodbye to Jan, Leon & Mads as their heading home to Denmark.
We also another 6 ml on Friday.

Friday, June 8, 2012

June 8th, 2012

Dale checking his Bearings
This week the crew & Dale have been doing maintanence & cleaning of the Seeders, Tractors & Trucks. I have a bit of a relax this week which was nice, over the next few weeks I'll driving the school bus on the odd day for Chris.
On Thursday we had 10 ml of rain, it was just what we needed as the crops are all starting to shoot. The bosses seam to be on top of the mice problem with the bait they have been spreading out.
Most of the farmers in the Cascade area only have sheep but there are a few that have cattle, one of the neighbours had a steer escape the other day & he put out this sign warning everyone to be on the lookout.

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1st, 2012

This week they had to re-seed some Canola as we're having a Mouse problem, the little devils have either dug up the seed when it was planted or eating the plants as its starting to shoot. The bosses had a plane spray the Canola with mice bait & were happy with the result, now Marco is busy spreading out bait over the other crops.
Dale's been busy rolling the Vetch & Peas, it will make it easier when they harvest the crop later on in the year.

Seeding Over for Another Year

We have finished seeding 28,000 acres or 11,300 hectares in 7 weeks. To celebrate the finish the Walters took all the crew to The Gibson Soak for lunch & drinks.
Gary, Wayne, Mads, Leon
Marco, Dale, Jenni, Mark, Jan