Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 25th, 2012

On Monday we had 45ml of rain, first bit for awhile, not like the rest of Australia.
On Wednesday Dale had to take some grain down to the farm at Mungi to fill up the feeders for the sheep, I went for a ride with him.

Friday, March 16, 2012

An update at Last

Sorry its been a while since I updated the blog, we have had computer problems, its all fixed now.
After our weekend in Sydney we flew back to Perth picked up the cruiser, everything was OK after the radiator was fixed, thanks Trent.
We drove back to Esperance to see Lyn & Darral Black, friends from Rocky, they have been touring for the last twelve months. It was great catching up & hearing about their adventures.

Stacking the Bales
Since being back at work, Dale has been carting super & spreading it on the pastures, moving sheep between the farms. While we were over east the boss had the Pea Straw baled & this week Dale & Wayne  have been carting it in. I have been driving the school bus a couple of days each week.
The last two weekends we have gone to the Beach, the first weekend we got some fish, but last weekend we had a great day enjoying the sunshine.