Monday, May 16, 2011

Holiday is Over, Now its Back to Work

After leaving Finley we had a few more days with Jeff & Josey in Albury, then we flew back to Perth and stayed the night with Trent. On Wednesday we drove back to Cascade.
Dale with the Tractor he drives for the seeding
The  first couple of days back Dale carted some more Fertilizers back from Esperance to the farms at Cascade. On Monday of this week I got back to work, I'm only cooking for 9 during the seeding, the Walters are in full swing of seeding their Canola, Barley & Wheat for the summer harvest.
They have two tractors seeding 24 hours a day, Dale & the others do a 12 hour shift and on the shift they usually seed between 100 to 120 hectares

Loaded the seeder with Fertilizier & Seed

The Seeder is 60 foot Wide

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

60th Anniversary Party

My parents Bob & Dawn

From Mount Beauty we drove to Finley, which is in the Southern Riverina of NSW, for my parents 60th Wedding Anniversary, I would like to congratulate them on a wonderful life they have shared together. A great night was had by all the family & their friends celebrating the anniversary on saturday night.
All the Family


Jenni, Hannah & Emma
We had a very enjoyable easter at Mount Beauty, like everyone we ate to much chocolate, lucky easter only comes once a year.
Dale went fishing with Brad & Emma and Emma caught her first fish, it was a Rainbow Trout, we had one very excited little girl.
We also drove up to Falls Creek on Easter Sunday for a family fun day. We went for a ride on the Chairlift up to the Summit, got some really good views, the only thing wrong was that it was a bit chilly up there.
Brad, Emma, Hannah & Marie at Falls