Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day Off Fishing

Dale with his Salmon

We went fishing at Stokes Beach on Saturday.At the start of the day everyone but Dale & James were catching Bream at the inlet. We drove out along Stokes Beach, had a bit of fun there then Dale caught a Salmon then so did James. We had a beautiful meal of fresh fish for dinner to celebrate Dale's birthday.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Weekend Off in March

Reve, Rohonda, Jenni & Dale
We had 20ml of rain last week so we got to have a few days off, which worked out really well as friends Rohonda & Reve, who met in Darwin 3 years are travelling around over this way. We met at Lake King for a drink or 6 at the local Tavern. Next morning we went to Wave Rock & had a surf.

Dale surfing Wave Rock

Work in March

After carting the Super Dale went to Lake Tay, its a natural Gypsum pit north west of Cascade. Dale loaded himself at the pit then came back to the farms at Cascade and stockpiled the Gypsum to spread out before the seeding starts late April/May. 

Back to Work, end of Febraury

Filling the Spreader

Dale got the OK to return to work, which he was very happy about, the Professor who did the op is very please & as we said it was a binign tumor. During last month he has been carting super from Esperance to the farms at Cascade and spreading it on the pastures.

Spreading the super at Cascade