Friday, December 24, 2010

Friday December 24th, 2010

Harvest is finished, just over 12,000 hectares in 8 and half weeks, not to bad going. This week has been a bit slow going because of the weather, the moisturiers was high in the grain, so Dale had to deliver it to Cascade Grains to be dried. Cascade Grain is owned by half a dozen farmers in the area ,Wayne is one the owners. Once it is dried they reload it then deliver it to the Grain Silo. Lucky we have finished as we've had showers off & on the last 2 days.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday December 12th, 2010

At the beginning of the week it was very cold & overcast so harvesting of the wheat was very slow, by the weekend it had warmed up. The crew are over halfway through the 4500 hectares of wheat.
While Dale & I were over east they harvested the 1200 hectares of Peas & they are stored in the long plastic bags the same as the Lupins.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sunday December 5th, 2010

It was still very over cast today so they harvested the 100 odd hectare's of Lupins, more was planted but they lost alot from the wet autumn they had here. The Lupins where put in long plastic bags in the paddock & will be stored there until they are sold later as sheep feed.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturday December 4th, 2010

We've been back at Cascade for 2 weeks now & have been very busy. They have finished harvesting the 4000 hectares of Barley & have started the Wheat. The boss was a bit worried about more rain so he hired a contract harvester for 10 days, with 4 headers they were getting over the hectares very quickly which meant there was a lot of grain to cart.
One day Dale,Wayne & a sub contractor Jim, carted 1000 tonnes to the local silo as well as filling all their field bins. We have had a few showers, it was only enough to give us Friday & Saturday off.