Friday, November 19, 2010

Saturday November 20th, 2010

Seeing as we had the rain we have had a quick trip over the east to see Dale's brother Jeff as he hasn't been to good. It also was our youngest granddaughter's 2nd birthday so we were there to have birthday cake with them & celebrate.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday November 13th, 2010

They have changed over to harvest the Barley as the rest of the Canola was planted a little bit later.
They have 3 headers & 2 chaser bins. The headers have GPS Nav Sat's in them to guide them doing the harvest & the readings are within 20 cm of the last row.

On Thursday they had 30 ml of rain so the harvest has been put on hold. So Dale has been doing a few jobs on his truck.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sunday November 7th, 2010

We have settled in very well with the family & work. Its slowly warming up, Yah. Harvest started this week, all up they have 12,000 hectares of crop to harvest, they started on the Canola of which there is 1,400 hectares. To harvest Canola they swoth it first which means they cut it first & put it into windrows, it stops like that for two weeks to help dry it out then they strip it with the header.
Dale loading another load of Canola.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sunday October 31st, 2010

Our first week of work was pretty good at Cascade. The nights are still chilly. We met the other 6 workers, 1 is on full time the other 5 are backpackers. I went into town shopping with Liv, which is a 220 k round trip, which I will have to do every week or two for supplies.
Dale was on the grader most of the week getting the laneways/tracks ready for the harvest which they hope will start next week.

Sunday October 24th,2010

We left Esperance on Saturday morning for one more night of camping before starting work next week. We headed west along the coast to Fanny Cove which is an inlet which is popular with the local fishermen.
Sunday we arrived in Cascade and met our bosses Wayne & Chris they have 2 of their 4 sons working with them Mark & Gary and their wives Liv & Karina. We are based on the home block "Torakuni' with Wayne & Chris.